After the parliamentary victory over the King, he was briefly imprisoned several times.
A3 Britain's leader won a parliamentary victory on European union.
On the other hand, he considered that through parliamentary victories the working class was capable of conquering the rest of the state.
That was the first parliamentary electoral victory of an National Democratic Alliance member in the state.
The period following the parliamentary victory saw a number of proposals for the demolition or conversion to secular use of the English cathedrals.
Fenwicke fortunes rose with the rise of the Parliamentary victories in the North East.
The wars ended with the Parliamentary victory at the Battle of Worcester on 3 September 1651.
In the spring of 2004, I watched Tymoshenko lead opposition forces to a huge parliamentary victory over the Kuchma regime.
The Civil War ended with the Parliamentary victory at the Battle of Worcester.
Parliamentary victory in England renewed tensions leading to the Battle of the Severn in 1655.