These were repealed in 1779 due to pressure from the Irish Patriot Party, and fostered a brief boom in the 1780s.
The name took on popularity with the success of the Irish Patriot Party.
The dispute became an oft-quoted precedent to the policy of the Irish Patriot Party of the 1780s.
The Patriot Party borrowed strategies of community organizing from the Black Panthers, with whom they were especially close.
In 1970 the FBI arrested the entire central committee of the Patriot Party and charged them with various felonies.
There have been several groups called the Patriot Party, the Patriotic Party, or similar:
Thus the Patriot Party is described as the political wing of the Pancasila Youth.
In the legislative election held on 9 April 2009, support for the Patriot Party was higher than the party's national average in the following provinces:
Harmon's Patriot Party had just over twenty-five.
The Irish Patriot Party was the name of a number of different political groupings in Ireland throughout the 18th century.