The first site chosen was Panama, in particular the Pearl Islands.
The three tribes each are named after various islands of the Pearl Islands.
Pearl Island has a land area of 0.151 km2 (37.3 acres), and a population of seven permanent residents as of the 2000 census.
Pearl Islands is a group of over two hundred islands situated to the east in the gulf.
It was from the Pearl Islands that he had been lured to the mainland, to stand trial and to meet death by strangling.
The season was filmed in the Pearl Islands, off the coast of Panama.
Pearl Islands has been represented in three of the succeeding seasons that featured returning contestants.
The sixteen contestants arrived at the Pearl Islands dressed in their street clothes.
This ahead might be called the Pearl Island but it's a rare old pile of rock!
Each tribe was named after an island of the Pearl Islands.
The first site chosen was Panama, in particular the Pearl Islands.
The three tribes each are named after various islands of the Pearl Islands.
Pearl Island has a land area of 0.151 km2 (37.3 acres), and a population of seven permanent residents as of the 2000 census.
Pearl Islands is a group of over two hundred islands situated to the east in the gulf.
It was from the Pearl Islands that he had been lured to the mainland, to stand trial and to meet death by strangling.
The season was filmed in the Pearl Islands, off the coast of Panama.
Pearl Islands has been represented in three of the succeeding seasons that featured returning contestants.
The sixteen contestants arrived at the Pearl Islands dressed in their street clothes.
This ahead might be called the Pearl Island but it's a rare old pile of rock!
Each tribe was named after an island of the Pearl Islands.