After its replacement, Pegasus Bridge was left on waste ground until it was rescued and moved to the grounds of the museum.
In memory of their tenacity, the bridge has been known ever since as Pegasus Bridge.
Ever since, the span they captured has been called Pegasus Bridge, after the flying horse symbol of the airborne.
After its replacement, Pegasus Bridge was left on waste ground.
It contains a café and a small museum shop that sells Pegasus Bridge related material.
Today you will cycle across the Pegasus Bridge, where the English army won an important victory in 1944.
Certain types of bascule bridges roll on an arc; an example is the Pegasus Bridge.
The latter was to become famous as Pegasus Bridge.
The natural line of attack would have been over Pegasus Bridge, down to Ouistreham, then straight west along the beaches.
There was one other matter of significance about Pegasus Bridge that needs to be mentioned.