On the southern shore, the Peloponnesian fleet was sailing in four lines, parallel to the shore.
To challenge the superior Peloponnesian fleet, the Athenians had only 40 ready triremes, and most of the experienced crews were at sea with Conon.
The Peloponnesian fleet turned at once and raced across the gulf at the Athenians.
Around 375BC, a Peloponnesian fleet, under the command of Mnesippus, attacked Korkyra.
Phormio with his ships circled around the Peloponnesian fleet, driving the circle ever tighter.
In a second battle shortly after this, Phormio and his small force triumphed against an even larger Peloponnesian fleet of 77 ships.
At his urging, the satrap reduced the payments he was making to the Peloponnesian fleet and began delivering them irregularly.
Only the support of the Persian land army and the coming of night saved the Peloponnesian fleet from complete destruction.
These factors caused the rapid growth of the Peloponnesian fleet at the expense of the Athenian.
Cities throughout its Aegean empire began to rebel, and a Peloponnesian fleet sailed to assist them.