The court heard arguments on the Pennsylvania case in December, and a decision is scheduled before this summer.
The Court could leave an unclear message in the Pennsylvania case.
But a Pennsylvania case has upset the system and set up a conflict on whether the states or the Federal Government should regulate utilities.
Two clues in the Pennsylvania case: 1) The boy had said, "I'm going to go to the dinner dance and kill some people."
The Pennsylvania case comes on the heels of other victories for Federal prosecutors.
He pleaded guilty in the Pennsylvania case and was sentenced to up to 20 years in prison.
"I found myself not uncomfortable with the Pennsylvania case," he said.
The Pennsylvania case prompted several domestic violence groups to start gathering information about the experiences of other such cases.
The 8-to-1 ruling, in a Pennsylvania case, held that proof of paternity need not be based on "clear and convincing evidence."
The Pennsylvania case involves four reactors canceled by the two utilities when work had barely begun.