The periodical was created to spread the Pentecostal message over the country through a combination of sermons, articles, editorials, and testimonies.
"Protestantism only exploded because the Pentecostal message touched the most essential part of Brazilian culture, which is both spiritual and pragmatic."
But in the end, he delivers a standard Pentecostal message.
The Pentecostal message met resistance from the administration at in Zion City, making it so community facilities were not available for holding meetings.
Between 1906 and 1908, the Pentecostal message had spread among Christian and Missionary Alliance (CMA) churches and conferences.
Stroup was one of the first individuals to take the Pentecostal message into southern Ohio and parts of Kentucky.
Upon his return to Memphis, Tennessee, Mason began preaching and teaching the Pentecostal message in COGIC congregations.
Ervin was able to bring the Pentecostal message to believers from all traditions.
It was from Durham's church that future leaders of the Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada would hear the Pentecostal message.
Durham started publishing a periodical, The Pentecostal Testimony, and travelled extensivelly to diffuse the Pentecostal message.