It looks like something Zelda Fitzgerald might have worn to dine with a Persian prince.
One successful journey could make a man as rich as a Persian prince.
The buyer apparently was a Persian prince who wanted to use her to suppress piracy in the Gulf.
But no, our fine Persian prince leaves his men sitting in the sunshine and rides into the hills to bathe in a cool stream.
In Ephesus, he established diplomatic relations with Cyrus, a Persian prince.
He wanted to create a poem based in the ideas and dealing with a Persian prince, but he was unable to write the poem.
But Zal, a Persian prince, has an even more extraordinary foster mother: an eagle.
He is saved, just in time, by Aladin, a Persian prince who happens to be at the forest at the same time.
Another favorite subject was Mongolian horsemen hunting wild animals; others included Persian princes and African dancers.
In this sophisticated multicultural account, he was a Persian prince who angered a fairy, then traveled the world seeking redemption till the beauty called him.