Old Persian sources also use this term for Iranians.
The name first appears in Georgian and Persian sources of the 13th and 14th centuries.
The Persian archives were lost so there are no contemporary Persian sources of this war.
This book is the first Persian source about Amal movement which has been written in 240 pages.
The main Persian source for this explains Khilji attacked the fortress unaware that it was a University.
However, review of historical Persian sources does not confirm this.
The Greek word tigris is possibly derived from a Persian source.
The Jami' al-Tawarikh is perhaps the single most comprehensive Persian source on the Mongol period.
A Persian source mentions an army sailing down the river in the 16th century.
In the late 7th and 8th centuries it was ruled by a local magnate, called in Persian sources the Chaghān-khudā.