A Peruvian diplomat said his embassy had found it necessary to restrict the use of air-conditioning in the summer and of heating in the winter.
His father was a Peruvian diplomat.
The five had taken desperate measures to ask for political asylum, so the Peruvian diplomat in charge of the embassy, Ernesto Pinto-Bazurco, granted it.
"It has been too long," said Carlos Alzamora, a genial 70-year-old Peruvian diplomat who is executive director of the commission.
"We're sure he will soon be released," Mr. Abbas told a delegation from the news agency and French and Peruvian diplomats.
Ambassador Oswaldo de Rivero (born 2 August 1936) is a retired Peruvian diplomat.
Two weeks ago, Peruvian diplomats marched into Japan's Foreign Ministry with a new demand: that Japan shut down his Web site, www.fujimorialberto.com.
Guillermo Lohmann Villena (1915-2005) was a Peruvian diplomat, historian, and writer.
For Luis Quesada, a Peruvian diplomat here, a 700-page extradition request contains all the necessary justification.
Álvaro de Soto (born 16 March 1943) is a Peruvian diplomat.