"The question is whether the recuperation of the Peruvian and world economy will come fast enough."
He supported the position that the Peruvian economy depended on the export of precious metals.
The government invested heavily on the country's infrastructure, which became a solid foundation for the future of the Peruvian economy.
Furthermore, he describes the drug trade as indispensable for the survival of the Peruvian economy.
In 2007, the Peruvian economy grew 9%, the largest growth rate in the world.
He came here a year ago to live with a sister, who has legal status, after the Peruvian economy sank and his businesses crumbled.
In 1994, though, the Peruvian economy expanded 12 percent.
This meant that the lion's share of the Peruvian economy was an informal one.
Despite its small area, this province is the major industrial and economic powerhouse of the Peruvian economy.
Coca cultivation, however, contributes an estimated $1 billion a year to the Peruvian economy.