Still, many Peruvian journalists expressed concern that the intimidation would lead to self-censorship.
As the general walked briskly to his jeep, he invited me, along with two Peruvian journalists, to come along with him.
Nicolás Lúcar de la Portilla has been a Peruvian journalist since the 1980s.
Photograph obtained by a Peruvian journalist, allegedly taken by a Monterrico Metals supervisor.
In 2011, the European Journalism Centre described him as having "been awarded more prizes than probably any other Peruvian journalist".
She is also the half-sister of César Hildebrandt, a Peruvian journalist.
Peruvian journalists have long been subject to arrest, bombings, wiretaps and other overt forms of censorship.
He has been called one of the most important Peruvian journalists of the past 40 years.
Luis Álvarez Silva, a Peruvian journalist here, said, "He wants to go back."
Pablo de Madalengoitia (1919-1999) was a Peruvian journalist.