Tripp Wommack, who has been buying and operating oil fields here for 10 years, scanned the buffet room at the Petroleum Club.
The initiation fee at the Petroleum Club was $7,500 five summers ago; now it is $2,500.
In a sign of the times, Denver's once exclusive Petroleum Club was rebaptized last fall with a more generic name: Top of the Rockies.
The terms of the contract created a small sensation and Næss was summoned for a lunch in the Petroleum Club of Houston.
He just keeled over in the bar of the Petroleum Club, and that was it.
I thought I would go into town anyway, to have a drink at the Petroleum Club.
A recent talk he gave at the Petroleum Club on the fall of Enron drew a standing-room-only crowd.
Joe Major, the chef, used to cook at the Petroleum Club in New Orleans, but now he produces more countrified fare of real quality.
He remained a member of the Petroleum Club and the Ranchmen's Club, and continued to do consulting work in oil industry.
"If not quite a shootout at high noon, it's going to be a loud argument at the Petroleum Club."