I believe it would result in getting even the bells of the Philadelphia hotels answered, and cheerful service rendered.
Waters married at the age of 13, but soon left her abusive husband and became a maid in a Philadelphia hotel working for $4.75 per week.
Having dropped out of school, I was working either as a parking lot attendant at one Philadelphia hotel or a bellhop at another.
On July 18, 1855, Johnson passed word to a black porter in Wheeler's Philadelphia hotel that she would like to escape her master's custody.
The station covered a bomb scare in a Philadelphia hotel set off innocently by ticking clocks in a box.
He had been living in a Philadelphia hotel with his father, who also died in the pandemic.
A wife tried desperately to discover which Philadelphia hotel her unfaithful husband had checked into.
Among the Philadelphia hotels that offer New Year's Eve packages, two are on the parade route.
Louise Boldt had been instrumental in making their Philadelphia hotel attractive and socially acceptable to wealthy women.
"She arrived in Washington the day after we left," Mick Fleetwood said with a laugh by telephone from a Philadelphia hotel this week.