Euripides in The Phoenician Women and Suppliants, who mentions the wedding without giving her name.
In Euripides' Phoenician Women, he has the image of Argus Panoptes on his shield and assails the Ogygian Gates.
Phoenician Women.
Phoenician Women (c. 410 BC)
The Phoenician Women (Euripides, trans.
Antigone also plays a role in Euripides extant play The Phoenician Women.
Lacoue-Labarthe and Deutsch returned to the Théâtre national de Strasbourg to collaborate on a 1980 production of Euripdies' Phoenician Women.
The play was given in the same trilogy that included The Phoenician Women.
Phoenissae (The Phoenician Women)
Jocasta, The Phoenician Women by Euripides for the Royal Shakespeare Company (1995)