The Physics Olympiad, a grueling series of competitive examinations, was held in Warsaw in July.
The 2005-2006 Physics Club is notable for its second-place finish at the University of Michigan Physics Olympiad.
Yuan,Sihan(豆豆) from 0901 won the golden madel in the 13rd Asian Physics Olympiads.
It is the only college in Mid terai region to participate in the Physics Olympiad at national level, often performing very well.
His books are the prescribed practice material for national and International Physics Olympiads in several countries.
It is known that in 1988, the combined Czechoslovak team included the winners of the Czechoslovak Physics Olympiad.
The Physics Olympiad has been well received by many teachers and students who are attempting to promote and nurture interests in the increasingly demanding field of physics.
He has also frequently given physics lectures to schoolchildren and appeared in television shows, and is the organizer of the British Physics Olympiad.
During his high school years, Entov won multiple awards at the all-Union Physics Olympiads.
In 1972, he took first place among Soviet high school students at the Physics Olympiad.