This is the first year that the Best Picture category was limited to 5 pictures.
It was also only the second time a sequel had won the Best Picture category; the first being 'The Godfather, Part II'.
In the Best Picture category, it lost to another MGM film, Gone with the Wind, another film directed by Victor Fleming.
WALL-E made a healthy appearance at the various 2008 end-of-the-year awards circles, particularly in the Best Picture category, where animated films are often overlooked.
Following a streak of numerous awards, Brokeback Mountain was heavily favored to win the Best Picture category, but lost to Crash, a film that, although publicly and critically acclaimed, had collected fewer previous awards throughout the season.
The Academy's decision to adulterate the Best Picture category by naming ten candidates, as against the perennial five, only adds to the awkwardness, but never mind: the long evening will be about the same again, and a blast.
The Best Picture category does not even include this year's Oscar winner, "The English Patient."
With his fellow producers, Jeff Sharp was nominated for an Independent Spirit Award in the Best Picture category, among other honors.
Instead Moore submitted it for the Best Picture category which does not have that same rule.
(Wanger refused the award in protest of the film's absence in the Best Picture category.)