In 1936, the Pinkerton agency changed its focus from strike-breaking to undercover services.
The Pinkerton Agency was hired and even they had no luck.
Evidence collected was presented by a single detective from the Pinkerton Agency.
Of this amount, about $1.5 million goes to pay the Pinkerton agency at City College.
The Pinkerton Agency once again succeeded in suppressing the book.
You may drop by if you bring me something on the Pinkerton Agency.
The Pinkerton Agency eventually shifted from detective work to security services, at least in part due to such criticism.
The Pinkerton Agency has never heard of me either.
It was noted that the Pinkerton agency kept 250 rifles and 500 revolvers in the Chicago office alone.
The Pinkerton Agency was determined to "place emphasis on its undercover work which, being secret, created less antagonism."