Pirated copies of my book are openly sold on the Bombay streets, for a fourth of its official price.
Pirated copies are often made by having a moviegoer in the United States film the movie with high-quality equipment.
Pirated copies of the Rachmaninoff have circulated among pianophiles for years.
Pirated copies of the DVD were selling for less than £1.57.
Pirated copies of the album were available online within hours after the release, and a team was formed by the production unit to fight audio piracy.
Pirated copies of the old movies sell in markets here, along with gruesome newer versions pumped out for home video.
Pirated copies of Windows 2000 available in Russian, Polish and English go for $4.
Pirated copies are sold everywhere in the country.
Pirated copies of novels and musical pieces were prohibited.
Pirated copies of the song were distributed in Europe before its release, due to its popularity.