"For most people, the Play Station 2 is a better choice."
In another room they're playing Play Station, just hanging out.
Sony asserts that it alone controls the rights to profit from software made for the compact disk component of its Play Station.
He plays video games on the company's new game machine, the Play Station.
The ability to create such freedom of movement is afforded by the game's platform, Sony's new Play Station 2.
Sony says it will sell a mobile phone connector for the original Play Station in the winter.
Another Japanese gaming magazine, The Play Station, gave the game a score of 29/30.
They waste their brains on Play Stations; then you wonder why they come to school brain-dead.
I have a dead car waiting for me and students who would rather play with their Play Stations than learn history.
That could mean a figure around $300, the cost of a Play Station 2.