In another room I saw, like, Plexiglas boxes with some sort of grotesque tissue growing in them.
In Ovitz's living room, on a low table before the Picasso, is a Plexiglas box about three feet square.
Episode 1: Let The Games Begin The models work in pairs regardless of gender, modeling sleepwear outside, in a suspended Plexiglas box.
The man strolled casually to the center of the hall where a square, four-foot pillar had been constructed, on top of which was set a thick Plexiglas box.
There will be a display of hand-thrown ceramic pots, inspired by 19th-century jugs, but less than three inches tall and grouped in Plexiglas boxes.
Objects are displayed in conventional Plexiglas boxes, mounted on square pedestals.
The exchange, reproduced on a Plexiglas box containing the model, conveyed a completeness of vision that the show as a whole did not.
The team members must collect as many of these coins as possible and put them into a Plexiglas box near the entrance.
Among the shop's most fascinating and beautiful items are very large insects mounted in Plexiglas boxes.
Plexiglas boxes protect and hold everything in place.