Boston, Poet Lore, 1892.
(Includes review of Contrary Visions) Poet Lore.
Her work has appeared in 32 poems, Poet Lore, The Southern Review, Crux.
The Writer's Center also publishes Poet Lore, the longest continuously running poetry journal in the United States.
His metrical translations of Horace, from the Latin, also appeared in the American magazine, Poet Lore.
Poet Lore 97.1/2 (Spring 2002): 87-91.
Dreyfus - published in Poet Lore (September 1898) and subsequently in Mine and Thine (1904).
His work has appeared in numerous publications including Beltway Poetry Quarterly, Poet Lore, and Sojourners.
His poems have been published in literary journals and magazines including Ploughshares, Crab Orchard Review and Poet Lore.
Her work appeared in journals such as Poet Lore, Argosy and The Christian Science Monitor.