He grew up in Baltimore City, in the Fell's Point neighborhood, and obtained minimal schooling.
The Point neighborhood (also known as the Old Point) is home to some of Beaufort's largest, oldest, and most expensive homes.
The Hunts Point neighborhood is also home to dozens of waste transfer stations, and the combination has meant that its air has become harder to breathe.
He reappeared holding a denim jacket with cutoff sleeves, the kind that used to be seen in his Hunts Point neighborhood more often than intact ones.
Decker checked the wall map and saw that it was the Karsay's Point neighborhood, about half a kilometer outside the city.
The program then travels to Seattle to see how community activists, public health officials, and others came together to transform the High Point neighborhood.
In 1929, after her husband died, she moved with her three children to the Wilson's Point neighborhood in South Norwalk.
He worked in the Bay View-Hunter's Point neighborhood of San Francisco, representing poor families.
The island is connected to the Easton's Point neighborhood via a causeway bridge.
The first Polish immigrants to Baltimore settled in the Fell's Point neighborhood in 1868.