As in all Communist countries, Polish enterprise suffers from heavy overstaffing at the top.
In two years, the fund has approved loans to more than 1,700 small businesses and made equity investments in more than 30 larger established Polish enterprises.
From 1890 till 1912 Polish enterprises, banks and associations grew in number and strength providing Poles with defence against the Germanisation of their land.
In addition, Hanna-Barbera Productions Inc. signed up with a Polish enterprise to work in animated films.
Tens of thousands of Polish enterprises, from large industrial firms to small shops, were seized without payment to the owners.
As a result Polish enterprises ended up with more seasoned owners, and its economy grew more briskly.
The agreement also encourages joint ventures between West German companies and Polish enterprises, particularly in the fields of agriculture and food production.
Mr. Weisman, the new chief executive, left on a trip to Poland this week to work on a venture with a Polish enterprise.
The final important issue I should like to draw attention to, and which is often highlighted by entrepreneurs, is the very strict control of Polish enterprises ...
Product and organisational innovations are those subjects of research which the Poznań University of Economics intends to develop further in close co-operation with Polish enterprises.