Its agenda declares that its aim is to raise Polish youth in a Catholic and patriotic spirit.
The ceremony was attended by close friends, supporters, Polish youth and children.
They were played at high school and college parties where Polish youths spent hours debating who had assembled the most eclectic selections.
Its main objectives are development of physical education, promotion of healthy lifestyle and physical activities among Polish youth.
In an appendix to Dąbrowski (1967), results of investigations done in 1962 with Polish youth are reported.
Although the Jesuit schools were fairly efficient and provided the Polish youth with a good education, they were also very conservative.
The subject involves honor and shame, and perhaps it says something about the present frame of mind of Polish youth.
In 1994 Bob moved to Warsaw "for the company of Polish youth".
Percentage of Polish youth who believe it is possible to become wealthy in a socialist economy through honest work: 5.1.
Through his teaching he attracted countless number of Polish youth to seamanship and yachting.