Her current roles are board member of Polka Theatre in Wimbledon and governor of Wimbledon Chase primary school.
Polka Theatre started life as a puppet touring company in 1967 under the Artistic Directorship of Richard Gill.
Over 100,000 children a year attend Polka Theatre.
He has been in 10 plays at the Polka Theatre in Wimbledon, London, where he lives.
Artistic director, Polka Theatre, London.
Polka Theatre is a producing theatre which also tours shows nationally and internationally.
Polka Theatre is a registered charity number 256979 and an Arts Council England National Portfolio Organisation.
The story has also been adapted for the stage and was performed in 1999 and 2000 at the Polka Theater, Wimbledon, England.
A stage version of Lost and Found, for children aged 3 and above has been created by Travelling Light and Polka Theatre.
Skitterbang Island (Polka Theatre, 2010)