German Pop paintings like this are hard to find, but "Two Women" came with a hefty estimate: $1 million to $1.5 million.
Gary Bachman does the same with two large Pop paintings of an explosion containing the word "new."
Lichtenstein is more popularly associated with his Pop paintings, often based on comic book images, than with the works here.
The work ranges from video to Western-inspired Pop painting, from spectacular, room-filling installations to ink scrolls.
For these reasons, her Pop paintings have been identified more recently as early feminist artworks, yet Drexler vehemently objects to the label.
His first gallery show of Pop paintings - Campbell's soup cans - took place at the Ferus Gallery in 1962.
Their subject was vernacular America, but not transcribed from comic books into zippy Pop paintings.
"A lot of the hand-painted Pop paintings from 1963 went straight into museum collections."
His first one-man show of Pop paintings at Leo Castelli in 1962 sold out before it opened.
Another Pop painting brought more than its high estimate.