In his book, Pope claimed to have lived in Amherst County, Virginia during the American Revolution.
Popes may also claim the title Patriarch.
Pope claimed that he took in only "about twenty-five words" of Theobald's corrections, but, in truth, he took in most of them.
Additionally, Pope claimed that Theobald hid his information from Pope.
It had been brought in by Napoleon's forces during the early 19th century; and, in 1870, the Pope still claimed the authority to use it.
Pope also claimed to have had a brief romance with Andrea Martin of SCTV fame.
The Pope claimed a power of revision over all the other form of authority, whether ecclesiastical or secular.
The Pope claimed the right to temporarily suspend the right of the patron, and nominated on his own authority, a successor to the vacant benefice.
The poem was brought to Pope's attention; according to Sir John Hawkins, Pope claimed that he could not tell if it was the original or not.
The Pope defrocked his brother, freeing him to marry "Arbelle" (as the Italians spelled her name) and thus claim the English crown.