The Pope apparently did not mention it.
But the Pope did not mention Serbia, which has come under increasing international pressure for supporting the Bosnian Serbs in the civil war.
The Pope mentioned the numerous refugees who live in exile and even in concentration camps.
When the Pope first mentioned Solidarity's "eternal significance," the crowd broke in with loud applause.
Today, the Pope did not mention government efforts although he has elsewhere in the world when dealing with the same subject.
In his 40-minute response, the Pope mentioned celibacy only once, saying that priests' love for Christ was "at the foundation of our commitment to celibacy."
The Pope has not mentioned Chiapas or the stalled peace talks there since he arrived in Mexico.
In his homily, the Pope mentioned some of the moral issues that divide Americans, and also many Catholics.
The Pope mentions the ruling briefly.
In the letters released today, the Pope mentioned no country by name.