On July 29, Pope moved his headquarters from Washington to the field.
Pope probably returned to Amherst County after the war, then sold his property and moved to the Richmond area in about 1790.
At each event, the Pope moved around the Cardinal's parlor, taking time to say a few words to each of his guests.
Three years later Pope moved to Los Angeles to pursue film and television soundtrack work.
Pope moved first to Vandalia and then to Springfield.
The Pope, his face visibly pained, blessed the boy and moved on.
Pope later moved to the St George club taking on a captain-coach role.
The 78-year-old Pope, who is on a light schedule to protect his fragile health, moved slowly but spoke in a firm voice.
It was not the first time the Pope has moved to bring dissenting theologians to heel.
The Pope moved out of the television studio, carefully composed over the exhaustion that always resulted from a television appearance.