Orsino enters and covers his destruction of Beatrix's letter by saying that the Pope has rejected her plea.
The Pope, however, rejected anew a Brazilian request that married men whose virtue is beyond doubt be admitted to the priesthood.
The Pope publicly rejected the allegations that Bulgaria's Communist government had been behind his 1981 attack and never believed in the Bulgarian connection.
On the flight from Rome, however, the Pope rejected the idea of the Vatican's being drawn into the electoral battle.
The Pope, Pope Sixtus IV, rejected his election because he had previously reserved the see for himself.
But, as he has in Latin America, the Pope again rejected the notion that ideologies or violence are proper tools for this.
The deputies' attempt to enlist the support of the bishop Pierre de la Baume for their cause failed, and the Pope rejected their request.
In a series of e-mails while I was reporting the story, Pope repeatedly rejected the description of himself as an heir.
The year before, the Pope had rejected an Australian nomination of a woman ambassador because she was a divorcee.
In the same address, the Pope rejected any theory of evolution that provides a materialistic explanation for the human soul: