The Pope requested that the nuns send the vestments to Rome to be put in the Vatican's new museum of modern religious art.
Following the finale of the symphony, the Pope requested an encore-an unprecedented act for a papal concert.
In 1886 the Pope requested that they consider setting up in India and a province of the congregation was established there.
In the beginning of 1198, Pope Innocent III requested that Andrew fulfill his father's last wishes and lead a Crusade to the Holy Land.
Reyes went on to proclaim that he would only resign if the Pope requested it of him personally in the presence of two witnesses, later stating:
A few years later, the Pope also requested the Livonian Brothers of the Sword send troops to protect Finland.
The Pope requested Bosnian Ban Stjepan's full assistance.
The Pope requested several times that Olivares be replaced, but king Philip would not comply.
The unified coffin was lowered into the ground, as the Pope requested, and covered with a plain stone slab featuring his name and dates of his pontificate.
Preparing for a siege, Pope requested that his army be supplied with some heavy artillery, which arrived on March 12.