The Pope could not travel without attracting media attention, so he sent you.
The huge signs had hung from the balconies of three buildings along the road the Pope traveled to celebrate his first Mass in Cuba today.
After this the Pope often travelled in a bullet-proof trailer known as the "popemobile."
The 74-year-old Pope has traveled far more extensively than any of his predecessors, making 60 trips abroad.
When the Pope was travelling in other vehicles through the London traffic, he and his retinue would most certainly pay, they said.
On Tuesday the Pope will travel to Los Angeles, where he will meet with 1,600 leaders of television, film and journalism.
The rift drove the Pope to travel to Austria on a pastoral mission, his third visit here.
After his appearance in Esztergom, the Pope traveled to Budapest for a meeting with Government officials.
During his stay, the Pope will travel to cities in all parts of Hungary.
Today, the Pope traveled to Lorch, 25 miles from the Czechoslovak border.