The Pope had tried to explain himself, but the camerlegno could not listen.
Today, the Pope tried to clarify the issues raised here by using some of the same arguments he has applied in the third world.
The Pope tries to use religion to make the world a better place.
The Pope is trying to engage the Cuban people.
They'll have stories aplenty for the grandchildren, and next time they would hope the Pope could maybe try the West Side.
In these the Pope tried to establish the supremacy of religious authority over civil authority, which has come to be called political augustinism.
When Pope tries to stop the group, they summon the demon Belaam.
Perhaps the Pope is just trying to keep things within manageable limits.
Pope doesn't stop to offer aid, but instead hurries off, trying to conceal his part in the accident.
"The Pope," he said, "must not even try to compete with the national duty to be in front of the television."