Arrows' performance dropped with the usage of the Porsche engines.
The prototype was powered by a Porsche 356 engine for demonstration purposes.
Then he started the Porsche engine and backed the car around, so it was facing the road, away from the ocean.
During the 2007 season, a second Porsche engine was approved by Grand Am.
The team was officially renamed Footwork in 1991, and secured a deal to race with Porsche engines.
A few Covins even run real Porsche 911 engines.
The body has been discarded in favor of a March, although the car, the 17th-fastest qualifier, has a Porsche engine.
That Porsche engine roars under my foot and I go all crazy.
Photo of Porsche 3512 engine.
Twin 255-horsepower Porsche engines, known as vectors, were revved up.