In early life he contributed to the Boston Monthly Anthology and to the Port Folio.
The illustration above (drawn by architect William Strickland) was published in the June 1810 issue of The Port Folio.
The Port Folio, vol.
There the editorship was taken over by Joseph Dennie until he founded Port Folio.
Port Folio was the most highly regarded and successful literary publication of its time, and the first important political and literary journal in the United States.
While Dennie was acquitted, the severity of the attacks leveled in Port Folio would henceforth be lessened.
"Niagara Falls and The Port Folio."
Port Folio may refer to:
He also edited the "Port Folio" (one of the day's primary medical magazines) and published over 200 medical publications.
In early 2009, Landmark Communications announced it would suspend the print version of Port Folio but maintain an online publication.