Tourists coming up the river from Port Jervis became the mainstay of the local economy.
In Port Jervis, six feet of water flooded low-lying homes.
Two children, 3 and 10 years old, were rescued from a mobile home that washed away in Port Jervis.
Port Jervis grew steadily into the 1900s, and on July 26, 1907, it became a city.
The proposal was changed to permit only homeless elderly people from Port Jervis.
He was Mayor of Port Jervis from 1874 to 1876.
In the opposite direction, the line goes to Port Jervis.
Initially, it was a route in name only as the portion north of Port Jervis had yet to be built.
I got them at a yard sale in Port Jervis.
He was president of the village of Port Jervis in 1865.