The youth of Port Talbot were broken in on great drama and fired, from the beginning, to reach for the sky.
He had his living to make and he came to Port Talbot to make it as a teacher.
Margam then assumed its modern form as a suburb of Port Talbot.
Most of the lower lying flat land is near the coast around Port Talbot.
Today it is essentially a district of Port Talbot, covering the central and south western part of the town.
To aid the construction of the docks at Port Talbot, the river was diverted away slightly.
Port Talbot has an array of higher level football.
Heavy industry is a visible feature of Port Talbot's economy.
A new biomass power station has been approved for construction near the coast at Port Talbot.
In a surprise move, Thomas left to rejoin Port Talbot just weeks into the 2010 season.