Some of the others were to join us again later on, for we were to find that the Portsmouth area was attractive to labour.
The pilot program was centered in the Portsmouth, Ohio, area off route 52 with several locals recruited.
After retiring, he returned to the Portsmouth area, where he worked as a fitter's mate in the local power station.
At this time it is estimated the Portsmouth area had a population not greater than two or three hundred.
At the Portsmouth area a new Olympic facility was constructed.
Tommy McGhee now enjoys his retirement in the Portsmouth area.
Coast page, every day, which covers the greater Portsmouth area.
Until 1884, the cathedral and chapel which proceeded it were the only Catholic churches in the Portsmouth area.
This led to a persistent but incorrect urban legend in the Portsmouth area that the forts were built facing the wrong way.
Palmer has always remained in the Portsmouth area, close to the downs and farm fields he so vividly depicts.