Before the Portuguese arrival in India in 1498, it provided "East Syrian" bishops to the Saint Thomas Christians.
Now, with the 500th anniversary celebrations of the Portuguese arrival fast approaching, the descendants of those earlier inhabitants are trying to regain this historic piece of land.
Even today several old Syriac documents (not destroyed by the Portuguese) still survive in the Malabar coast - proving they are older than the Portuguese arrival.
Later Portuguese arrivals included pirates in conflict with Spanish leadership.
From the Song Dynasty onwards and until the Portuguese arrival in 1864, Coloane was a sea salt farm for China.
After the Portuguese arrival, however, the natives where not completely driven from the area.
Nevertheless, because at the time of the Portuguese arrival, the capital city had no specific appellation other than Shaang2 Sheng4(省城, lit.
However, the Portuguese arrival in the 16th century, led to Roman Catholicism being a dominant force.
In April 2000, Brazil released a 10 real polymer bill to celebrate the 500th anniversary of the Portuguese arrival in America.
Catholicism arrived in Indonesia during the Portuguese arrival with spice trading.