It was due to the Portuguese attack on Goa that they had to flee to Munge.
The fort was also later involved in a battle that repelled a Portuguese attack in 1772.
The chief concern was the fitting-out a fleet which should protect the Eastern seas from Portuguese attack.
He is widely remembered for his role at the Portuguese attack of Baishaling, Guangdong in 1849.
In 1517, he defended Jeddah against a Portuguese attack, soon before the fall of the Mamluk regime.
It was they who saved Marrakesh from the Portuguese attack of 1515.
They were constructed to defend against the Portuguese attack.
In 1510, the mosque was partially burned in a Portuguese attack.
Only in Galle and Negombo the chance of a Portuguese attack remained a real threat.
During this time she integrated the country into her domains and thousands of her former subjects who had fled Portuguese attacks with her settled there.