In 1982, at least three missing children were discovered at an apartment used by Jorge Ritto, a Portuguese diplomat, according to people involved in the case.
In 1950, the Horthy family managed to find a home in Portugal, thanks to Miklós Jr.'s contacts with Portuguese diplomats in Switzerland.
Jorge Colaço was born in Tangier, Morocco, the son of a Portuguese diplomat.
"Roads, plantations, hospitals, schools, electricity - everything fell apart after the Portuguese left," a Portuguese diplomat here said.
The long coat encrusted with gold lace had once belonged to a Portuguese diplomat.
José Filipe Moraes Cabral (born 6 December 1950) is a Portuguese diplomat.
For example, Manoel de Almeida, a Portuguese diplomat and traveller of the day, wrote that:
Pêro da Covilhã (c. 1460 - after 1526), a Portuguese diplomat and explorer.
He also meet the famous Portuguese writer Eça de Queiroz in Paris, who was a Portuguese diplomat in the city.
Her father is a Portuguese diplomat stationed in the Netherlands.