The Portuguese-speaking countries are home to more than 240 million people located across the globe but having cultural similarities and a shared history.
The Portuguese-speaking countries have more than 240 million people across the world.
The Portuguese-speaking African countries are expected to have a combined population of 83 million by 2050.
In total, the Portuguese-speaking countries will have about 400 million people by the same year.
Reintegrationists support the use of spelling rules similar to the ones used in Portuguese-speaking countries.
Brazil is the only Portuguese-speaking country that still maintains the death penalty for some offenses.
It was ranked number one among the universities of the Portuguese-speaking countries in 2006.
Filipe is a common first name in Portuguese-speaking countries.
This was in an effort by the government to improve its communications, trade, and bilateral relations with Portuguese-speaking countries.
I am talking, obviously, about the largest Portuguese-speaking country in the world: Brazil.