He later came to the Baptist Shawnee Mission on Pottawatomie Creek in eastern Kansas.
In 1856, he interviewed John Brown just days after the massacre at Pottawatomie Creek.
These acts in turn inspired Brown to lead a group of men in Kansas Territory on an attack at a proslavery settlement at Pottawatomie Creek.
In a raid in May 1856, Brown killed five pro slavery men along Pottawatomie Creek near the current town of Lane, Kansas.
Another just like it crosses the Pottawatomie Creek.
In retaliation, John Brown and a small group of followers moved along Pottawatomie Creek, 40 miles south of Lawrence, killing five proslavery settlers.
"Commander, it looks like Pottawatomie Creek is leaving her parking orbit."
Neither of which had suggested that Pottawatomie Creek might be going anywhere.
Moreover, although Pottawatomie Creek might be Manticoran-built, she was officially registered in the Alizon System.
"According t' my sensors, Captain Zilwicki, Pottawatomie Creek is currently headed for the hyper limit."