It traces its beginnings to the foundation of Poznań University in 1919, and was formed as a separate institution in 1950.
Poznań University of Technology is known as one of the best technical universities in Poland.
In 1924-39 and in 1945-65 Znamierowski was professor of law theory at Poznań University.
From 1919 to 1939, he worked at the Poznań University.
In 1919-28 he was professor of the theory and methodology of science at Poznań University.
After finishing his studies in economics in 1936, he worked as a teaching assistant at Poznań University.
Wasiak is a graduate of the Poznań University of Economics's business school.
From 1946 he held a chair at Poznań University.
Rejewski then studied mathematics at Poznań University, graduating on 1 March 1929.
He would later earn a second master's degree from Poznań University, in geography, on December 13, 1937.