The same factories still make Prada bags, but now both the factories and the product are owned by the couple.
Some guests may find themselves clutching their Prada bags even tighter.
The reason a Prada bag costs $450 is that you can only get it at a very few exclusive shops.
If anybody in the world could buy a Prada bag, the name would lose some of its cachet.
Meg gets a job at a pancake house so she can buy herself a Prada bag.
Or, at the very least, one hell of a lot of Prada bags.
Everything fits into a battered old Prada bag which is like an old friend.
The Prada bag may be high status, but not everyone can afford one, especially for a seldom-used evening purse.
I ordered a Prada bag for my wife's birthday from - of all places -
In fact, you couldn't swing your Prada bag without hitting a Jersey girl.