The NATO-Ukraine Commission (NUC) was established in 1997, with an action plan being announced at the Prague Summit in 2002.
Further, the summit focused on the alliance's continued transformation, taking stock of what has been accomplished since the 2002 Prague Summit.
NATO began the Individual Partnership Action Plans programme at the 2002 Prague Summit, as a mechanism to tailor relations with specific countries, which may include eventual membership.
During the 2002 Prague Summit, NATO's military command structure was reorganized with a focus to become leaner and more efficient.
NATO launched the IPAPs initiative at the 2002 Prague Summit.
However, the basic structure remained in place until the Prague Summit in the Czech Republic in 2002.
Romania joined the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO) on March 29, 2004 following the decision taken at the Prague Summit, in November 2002.
A Missile defence Feasibility Study was launched after the 2002 Prague Summit.
Is it not strange that we should be debating education here and do not breathe a word about the Bologna Declaration on the eve of the Prague Summit.
You said, regarding employment, that some Member States did not attend the Prague Summit.