During a part of 1802 he conducted a morning service in the vacant Presbyterian chapel at Lynn.
This allowed them to build the first Trinity Church, later known as a Presbyterian chapel.
They are very good fellows from Greenford, and they have come over about the Presbyterian chapel.
He was taught at the free school connected with the old presbyterian chapel in Manchester.
One day she was waxing eloquent as to the crime of a minister of an Episcopal church performing any service in a Presbyterian chapel.
There was a Presbyterian chapel, which was built in 1850 to seat 350 people.
The conference then adjourned to the Presbyterian chapel, where the ladies of Fairhaven served dinner.
He also used information held by Presbyterian chapels in the town, as well as trade directories and marriage license bonds.
Her father, also John Aikin (1713-1780), kept a dissenting academy there and served as minister of a nearby Presbyterian chapel.
At its height, the town of Leyden included these homes as well as the company store, school, boarding house, saloon, and Presbyterian chapel.