President Fidel Castro refused, believing his country would survive with enough resources for the reconstruction process.
The video is part of a propaganda campaign by President Fidel Castro.
President Fidel Castro reportedly dies in the first chapter.
A dinner with President Fidel Castro and a lunch mugging.
The target for 1989 compared with growth of 2.3 percent reached in 1988, according to a figure provided by President Fidel Castro earlier this month.
President Fidel Castro had repeatedly vowed to jam the broadcasts.
President Fidel Castro was on the air much of the time, listening to high-ranking officers report from around the country about conditions and preparedness.
President Fidel Castro led the closed two-day party plenum, the first since 1992.
President Fidel Castro, who was also invited, stood out today as the only leader in military uniform.
President Fidel Castro of Cuba will make his first visit since 1979.