One was released, allegedly a close relative of President Porfirio Díaz.
The train station was completed at the very end of the 19th century and inaugurated by President Porfirio Diaz.
President Porfirio Díaz was re-elected for a seventh time on October 4, 1910.
However, soon after President Porfirio Díaz decided to turn much of it into a park and to install a horse track.
The palace underwent several structural changes from 1882 and during the term of President Porfirio Díaz.
This family was rich enough to offer the President Porfirio Díaz to pay the national external debt.
The second part is due to visits by President Porfirio Diaz, who commented on the winds that are prevalent here.
This mounted rural police force became best known during the long rule of President Porfirio Díaz (1877-1911).
He occupied important positions in the administration of President Porfirio Díaz.
From 1908 he appeared in politics in opposition to the government of President Porfirio Díaz.